Sea 17

15 Tips for managing tantrums. Infographic.

15 Tips for managing rabietas_portada

Tantrums are one of the topics that bring head to parents. Surely as a parent, you may have faced more than one, and as profe profe ... like tantrum that time one of your students while you take care of others 27 Unforgettable is ...! 😉

This week I prepared an infographic with 15 fundamental keys, from my point of view, to manage best tantrums.

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Sep 16

3 Refugee schools

Took several weeks going around that would be the first item after the holidays. Do not think I found it easy to decide, I have several issues that I would try, but this post is special.

Cole begins and I'm sure most of your kids have no desire to start, but ye are forward 😉 But this does not happen to other children. There are children who are willing to go and cole, Unfortunately, they can not. This is the case of refugee children, affected by conflicts and wars that are in check much of the Middle East.

Many of these children have been forced to leave their country of origin, without really knowing where they will end.

The main problem is that these little ones are in refugee camps temporarily. Places where living conditions are very precarious and where, In most cases, there are no schools.

Luckly, there are initiatives through being created "schools" in which provide a minimum education for these children.

Today I want to talk about three of these initiatives. I hope to inspire your course starts as inspired mine.

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Jun 16

The importance of parental attitudes.

In recent weeks post, I have tried related to the behavior of the kids themes. Now that the holidays are approaching and we spent more time than usual with children, it is essential that we are clear how we deal with disobedience, the How should we punish if we have no choice.

But it is also important not to forget, that your attitude as moms and dads is essential when dealing with children and "deal" with their behavior.

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Nov 15

How to boost the confidence of your children.

photo credit: Ballet 3 via photopin (license)

photo credit: Ballet 3 via photopin (license)

This week I count with a very special collaboration on the blog. A collaboration, that we get from the other side of “puddle”, Hand Catalina Lopez Zuluaga. Born in Medellin, Antioquia, Montessori study at school and studied Social Communication and Journalism at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, where he graduated in 2005. Passionate about travel, and that was how she met her husband, with leading 10 years married and has two children, Mariana de 8 years and sockets 5 years old.

Besides travel, passionate about reading, cinema and all the outdoor activities. A year ago he started a personal project through writing about their adventures and journeys and, of course, on his greatest adventure, the wonderful experience of being a mom.

Today he wanted to share with us their knowledge how we can boost the confidence of our kids, I leave you with her!

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Nov 15

9 Keys to success.

9 Keys to success_Portada_Vamos Growing

What makes some people achieve success and some not? O, rather, How we are we to educate a child to achieve success?

From my point of view, success more than a question of competence is a matter of attitude. It is this attitude that make the difference between those who make it big and those that do not.

Those who achieve success are not always the brightest. Surely, if we take stock of his career are not the best notes drew at school, but are the workers themselves, persevering and have something clear: they will fight and work hard to achieve their goals.

Educating future, successful adults is not easy. There are many values ​​that we instill from an early age. Today, I tried to summarize these values ​​in 9 points. Of course, They are not the only, but which, from my point of view, best summed up the path that will take our kids to success.

Which of these values ​​is for me the most important? Hard to say, but perhaps the Optimism has a key role. I've already talked about what is for me the optimism in the past, but perhaps the phrase that best summarizes my philosophy is that José Iribas shared in his article "Reasons for optimism.": "We are more than enough excuses, projects need ".

I hope this helps you infographic on the way to the success of your kids. And not just yours, in yours too.

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Sea 15

Do we help enroll 120 children in Senegal?


Did you know that…? With 2.350 euros, can afford the fees, management fees and school supplies for 120 children can attend school all year!

I was also surprised me when I read this data. But it is not the only thing to do with an amount in the West can be considered insignificant.

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Feb 15

The keys to educate future entrepreneurs.

The keys to educate future emprendedores_Vamos growing

First, I want to apologize because last week I gave up a little, but I was a little busy with my exams uni boys and I had too much time to research a subject that had long wanted to try and requires a time of reflection and considerable study.

On occasion I mentioned the importance of change the educational system to meet a labor system that is changing dramatically.

Currently we educate children to become part of a production system, when what we need are children able to undertake, Riding businesses and create jobs. But, the question here is, Have you're raising kids to be entrepreneurs? I will not even answer this question, I'll let you be yourself which responds.

In today's post I will address two main issues. First, how is this aspect represented in our educational system, if it is…. And second, how can we, both parents and the teachers, getting educate future entrepreneurs through simple actions we can start performing from an early age.

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Jan 15

Let Growing Great Profes. Part 1.

Let's grow in G

Sure many of you know that yesterday was the Great Profes event in Kinepolis cinemas, attended by top professionals from various fields related to the world of education.

I was one of the 2.100 teachers who had the privilege of listening to professionals carving Elsa Punset, Mario Alonso Puig, Mary Garaña, Roberto Brasero or Xabier Valbuena.

Any information that these professionals gave us during his brief papers are little treasures that I share with you. I think they are very useful for both teachers and parents.

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Jun 14

Children´s Day Map. A new way to learn the routines playing.

photo credit: Henriksent via photopin cc

photo credit: Henrik Late via photopin cc

A few months ago I wrote a post on how and why make an educational App. Today, App talking about in that article is a reality and can download Children´s Day Map one of the first applications dedicated exclusively to learn the routines in English while the kids play.

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Jun 14

Apps breaking barriers between analog and digital.

photo credit: Matteo Bagnoli via photopin cc

photo credit: Matteo Bagnoli via photopin cc

There are many times when dealing with parents of my students issues related to the use of new technologies in the education of their children. Most often it agrees with the fact that new technologies are very attractive for small and generally tend to help your learning and entertainment. But it is also true that there are still skeptical parents to the use of new technologies to believe that the use of these will not let their children develop real skills related to the real world.

Today I want to address this issue because I believe that in this case we can not speak or white or black, but rather a gray scale we can take depending on our goals and interests.

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