Bullying is an issue that concerns me pretty, above all, that they are becoming more and more frequent cases of bullying and, but we do something, will continue to increase.
Before del infographic, I think it's important that we respond to two fundamental questions: What is bullying? And why ever there are more cases?
What is bullying?
It is called bullying to intimidation or bullying that is often manifested repeatedly from some children to others. Generally, bullying among children usually manifests itself in a physical way, while among girls it is usually verbal and social.
Why are there more and more cases of bullying??
Bullying has always happened, but it seems that lately cases of bullying are becoming more common, some of them even ending dramatically.
The media and new technologies, cause children to be exposed to content that is often not appropriate for them, which means that they can even change their way of being, see the world and treat others.
Further, new technologies have become a means for bullying, thus being born what is called cyberbullying or cyber bullying. Throught social media, children can send offensive messages without any control, and even sometimes anonymously.
In today's infographic, you have some measures that both parents and teachers can carry out to create safe environments and avoid this type of case.
Enlarge the infographic by clicking on the image.
“Violence is fear of the ideals of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Tags: cyber bullying, bullying, Students, bullying, ciberbullying, school, intimidation, Children, parents, teachers
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good morning Maria,
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A hug,
Hello. I am a first year school teacher. children of 6 years old. one of the girls has already assaulted 5 children... they are told to those in charge... a psychologist and nothing happens... here in Costa Rica there is a lot of overprotection and not even points of the rating can be lowered because their evaluation is qualitative. I have used behavior modifiers...rewards...and nothing works….I do not know what to do
Hi Liz,
go… in these cases, yes after talking with the parents, and launch actions within the classroom to modify behavior no change occurs, you should work with the school psychologists to try to determine what is causing the behavior. I hope you will soon receive the support you need.
Regards and best wishes,