May 17

How to avoid test anxiety.

photo credit: Braiu Homework via photopin (license)

photo credit: Braiu Homework via photopin (license)

If you have a small in 3rd grade, surely you know that these days are carrying out external evaluation tests that were established with the LOMCE, to assess the skills of students, both 3rd and 6th.

I have many kids in 3rd, and these last few days have been particularly nervous with these tests.

But it seems that is not a timely issue, but rather something widespread, increasingly common and, I must say, that has me quite worried.

How could a boy or girl 8 Malito years put almost every time you have an exam? Is not it possible that we are pressuring them too with notes? With the "importance" of being the best?

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Apr 17

10 Topics for writing your students.

photo credit: ot0rip604 statement -Sho- via photopin (license)

photo credit: ot0rip604 Written -Sho- via photopin (license)

As English teacher, one of the main problems I sometimes encounter, It is the lack of ideas or resources in class.

As you know, in iKidz We do not use books, and we generate materials according to the needs of our students. That makes the head is constantly working, generating materials, new ways of teaching, to motivate and capture the attention of our kids. But, obviously, often just ideas, and sure as profe, You will pass you need inspiration for certain aspects of your class.

This happens to me when my students ask for their writing topics. Therefore, I decided to investigate a little and make a list of issues that I think they are coming great. Most of these issues I have taken a series of articles that The New York Times, periodically publishes, encouraging teens to write on your page.

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Sea 17

15 Tips for managing tantrums. Infographic.

15 Tips for managing rabietas_portada

Tantrums are one of the topics that bring head to parents. Surely as a parent, you may have faced more than one, and as profe profe ... like tantrum that time one of your students while you take care of others 27 Unforgettable is ...! 😉

This week I prepared an infographic with 15 fundamental keys, from my point of view, to manage best tantrums.

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Feb 17

8 fundamental ingredients of a great teacher.

8 fundamental ingredients of a great profesor_portada

When I explain the methodology iKidz, I always make space emphasize the fundamental role of the teacher.

It is true that our methodology is very focused on technology, but judiciously prepared and teachers would be virtually impossible to develop.

When I explain our project to people outside the educational environment, They tell me what I want is impossible, I say phrases like "No teachers well", "what you want is not real", "Now teachers are not involved"… But I do not agree. I know great professionals who give everything for each one of his students, which they are being formed every day, that they are involved and living every success and every failure of their students personally.

Today I want to leave a computer graphics with features that, from my point of view, You must have a great teacher and, therefore, the characteristics that we look at the teachers who want open his own academy iKidz.

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Sea 16

Letter to my students.

photo credit: Estelle via photopin (license)

photo credit: Estelle via photopin (license)

Today's post is not for you, Prof, ni para ti, father or mother. Today's post is for your children or students. Good, maybe it's also for some dads, but only for some 😉

One of the main characteristics of the methodology that I use in iKidz, is that the students have class only one hour a week. Something fundamental that I try to instill in my students and their parents, is that if they only come an hour a week it is because they have to review a little every day, in this way learning will be easier and more bearable.

What's the score? The result is that indeed some work throughout the week as I have indicated and they evolve a lot, but others ... others simply believe that by sitting for an hour in my classes they are already learning.

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Dec 15

How to prevent the bullying. Infographic.

Preventing bullying portada_Vamos Creciedo_iKidz

Bullying is an issue that concerns me pretty, above all, that they are becoming more and more frequent cases of bullying and, but we do something, will continue to increase.

Before del infographic, I think it's important that we respond to two fundamental questions: What is bullying? And why ever there are more cases?

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Nov 15

Two years Growing Together.

Two years growing juntos_Vamos Creciendo_ikidz

A 7 November exactly two years ago wrote the first post we grow.

Two years in which we grow has grown with you. It has grown in readership, in subscribers and content. Two years in which the concept of this blog, the idea of ​​growing slowly, with work and effort would not have been possible had it not been for each and every one of you read every week and you share my articles.

Today I want to thank you and together take stock of what they have been these two years for blog.

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Apr 15

12 Key to foster teamwork and collaboration.

12 Keys to promote work in equipo_Vamos GrowingMany times we are so concerned about the content we have to give, we forget that skills are much more important for the future of our students.

In today's post I have prepared an infographic with 12 I consider key fundamental if we want to teach our students what it means collaboration and teamwork.

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