This week sure most of the teachers, especially English, you have done Halloween activities with the kids. I focused most of my classes iKidz to explain to children the origin of this feast, with the kids we have heard songs and, of course, we made crafts.
Last year I left un post Halloween with several songs to work in English class, and this year I wanted to prepare an article with crafts we have done during these days. Further, as you know, We are concerned that an academy of care for the environment, so everything we've done has been with recycled material, namely toilet paper rolls. 'Let's see what you think about our Halloween monsters!! 😉
- Frankenstein
If your kids are Frankenstein monsters or vampires, estos the van to delight 😉
We did not have much time, so instead of painting with tempera or finger paint, we line paper rolls with green tissue paper. It is very easy because you can use glue stick to glue with children and older, If you want to complicate it a bit and using brush.
Once they have pasted the paper just you have to paint markers scar and hair. We had "mobile" eyes, but if you do not disponéis you can also paint them.
If you have time, ask the kids to make small cuts to the area where they painted hair to make it more cool. Terrifying! 😉
- mummies.
These mummies are ideal for the kids in 3, 4 the 5 years old. Like the Frankenstein, You can use both glue stick like glue to paste the "bandages", it all depends on what you want to complicate the activity and the time that you have.
For the sin of 3 years can give them directly cut papers and those of 4 and 5 Ask them years that cut them, step you will work fine motor.
My kids are very creative and, Some, They decided to "hair" their Mummies. Actually you can do everything you can think of. You'll see how different they are and what they are funny, although not really his "committed" 😉
- Murciélagos.
'What success!! What bats in our class yesterday it was crazy. All the kids wanted to do a bat and, although they were all more or less similar, I assure you that each had his touch.
And The, As with the "Franki", You do not have time to paint, Silk bond paper stuck. Among my kids, Lidia preferred not to use paper and paint directly onto the cardboard, It is another great choice and are Chulis.
For bats, In addition to the paper rolls, You will need black construction paper. I prepared a template, La Marque was to the kids and let them cut it themselves. If you walk just time, You can paint the mouth with crayons or markers, but you can always use tempera. We cut a "small fangs" on the red cardboard and stick. 'I love how were!! What is your opinion?
- monsters
If your kids prefer to design their own vaction monsters that you throw imagination. Mine used paper purple silk and this painted the monsters their way.
I was at the academy, previous activities, some cuts we use for the mouth and eyes of the monsters. But nothing like disponéis, You can ask each small that draw. As you will see some of our monsters were anything but terrifying 😉
Did you do Halloween crafts? Share them with us!
Thanks for being there. Happy and short week! 😀
“Creativity does not consist in a new way, but a new vision.”
Edith Wharton
Tags: halloween, Crafts, mummies, monsters, bats, recycling, paper roll, vampires
I love all the monsters made by your kids!!! They have been great!!!
Have a good weekend!!
'Thank Blanca!!
I had help… 😉
Good weekend to you too.