Do we help enroll 120 children in Senegal?


Did you know that…? With 2.350 euros, can afford the fees, management fees and school supplies for 120 children can attend school all year!

I was also surprised me when I read this data. But it is not the only thing to do with an amount in the West can be considered insignificant.

Last week a friend and companion of profession did get this information about a campaign that Fundación hits is currently developing.

I have asked them to tell us exactly what the campaign and what you can really do with this amount.

I leave with them!

First, I would like to thank Cristina for supporting this project and letting us share with readers this season.

In Senegal, as in Spain, has opened the registration period to attend school. Sophie, Aby and Aïcha are working children who want to learn to read and write, because they know that this knowledge will enable them to have more opportunities in the future.

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For this reason, have decided to organize the Association of Children and Youth Thiès, to transform their reality. In this association, are processed for boys and girls between 7 and 17 years the papers necessary for admission, paid tuition and awareness campaigns are carried out in the neighborhoods to encourage enrollment in schools.

For many more children to attend formal school, need to pay the cost of tuition for an entire school year. So far they have money of their meager incomes, but it is not enough.

Now You can help them. Feel like to collaborate with their cause?

With 2.350 euros, can afford the fees, management fees and support for school supplies 120 children can attend school all year. In addition to transact 200 birth certificates (essential document to register) and performing 1 awareness campaign in each district of Thiès (Senegal).

These children are the future for the country's development. If you help them, will they / as they become the protagonists of social transformation in Senegal. Take part in this initiative and help them realize their dreams!

If you are interested in the project and want more information, You can visit our website.

Thank you for taking your time and thanks to Come Growing!

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  1. Yes that's amazing what you can do with 2.35 dollars in Senegal, That says a lot about the economy of that country, for example, that the local currency is very, very devalued.

    • Hello Luis,

      Thank you for commenting on the post.
      Totally, the difference between some countries and others is incredible…

      A hug,

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