Jul 14

We're going to the beach!

photo credit: Lotus Carroll via photopin cc

photo credit: Lotus Carroll via photopin cc

We are in the summer and holiday sure you'll catch them or speck of. Why could not pass up the opportunity to devote an article to top destination for summer holidays: the beach.

It is undeniable how good we feel when we're on vacation, without worries, or schedules, but, Did you know that the beach has many benefits for your health and your children?

In today's post, we will see the main benefits of this long-awaited destiny and all that brings your kids play in the sand.

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Jun 14

When should my child learn to read?

When learning to read

Now that the school year is over, parents and teachers we take stock of the year. We as teachers, We analyze whether we have achieved the objectives that we had set our students arrive. And dads echáis look back and see everything they have learned, or they have not learned, your kids since September.

Surely as a parent you will be worried about what will your small, and most likely you will have silver to his guardian doubts the type, Is it normal not yet read?

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Apr 14

Key points about the bits of intelligence.

Image courtesy of Freerangestock

Image courtesy of Freerangestock

As many of you know, the past 30 of March, I had the privilege to participate as a speaker in the I Congress of Educating Learning Childhood Education, you can see the video Youtube, or if you prefer, check presentation Slideshare. One of the topics, for matter of time, I could not try was the theme of the bits of intelligence. While I talked about some games you can make with bits, You can see them in detail in the post, "The game. Key learning of the smaller ", we did not see how to make them and how they should go to the kids to really be effective and efficient, so I wanted to dedicate this post to this topic.

The theme of the bits of intelligence is a controversial topic that every teacher has spoken at some point in their career. Some assert categorically the effectiveness of this method, while others say it is not as effective as outlined.

En este post, My goal is that all know what are the bits of intelligence and you are capable of making them yourself. Further, I want to tell you first hand as has been my experience using them in the English classroom.

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Sea 14

All you need to know to motivate children in their learning.

All you need to know to motivate niños_vamos creciendo.jpg

The motivation It is a vast subject and has been treated from many perspectives. Many theorists talk about the importance of this learning but there are also those who claim that motivation is not at all representative of the individual learning.

I personally feel that it is extremely important, not only from a theoretical perspective, but from a completely practical perspective, and I have observed firsthand as is the evolution of those motivated students and as is those who are not.

In this post we will see a short summary of the main points related to motivation in young children, the main types of motivation, how can we know through the behavior if we are motivated to children or not and how we can develop motivation.

We start?

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Jan 14

Ideas and tips for children to eat better.

There is an issue that teachers may not give too much importance to educational level, but if the parents are concerned, and a lot. The food is a source of constant struggle between parents and children. Many parents ask me desperate advice because your child does not eat alone, because he does not eat certain foods or because they simply do not eat anything.

Obviously, and as you all know, I am not a pediatrician or nutritionist, but I have read a lot about this topic, trying to find ways and tricks for the meal time is not so traumatic, neither for you nor for them.

With this post I intend to help a little bit on this issue and give some guidelines or tricks that superéis in the best way possible.

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Dec 13

The tricks you need to help your child to learn numbers and letters.

During early childhood education, They begin to lay the foundations for many areas and areas of life of small. One of these areas is literacy, that does not mean anything other than the union of two processes such as reading and writing.

I do not want to get into too much detail about definitions and theories, there are many authors who argue that we need to develop from writing letters, syllables followed by, words, etc. While others argue that it should be done it is to take the most complex structures and "desmigarlas" to understand them better.

What is certain is that during the early childhood education your children will work the directionality of letters, therefore, it is good that so you can help them know what it is and how it is done.

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Dec 13

How language affects the understanding of children and how to stimulate it.

Undoubtedly, there are many parents who know the importance of communication and language with their children, but few really know the true extent you may have this communication and how it can affect the development and understanding of small.

On this topic, there is a statement that after numerous studies can do: the intelligence of children is directly related to the number of words that they have heard from birth to age three.

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Nov 13

How to improve your child's behavior.

When I meet with parents or have tutorials, their biggest concerns are often related to your child's behavior: "I can not get more than five minutes seated", "Le dan pataletas", "Sticks to his brothers".

Usually we talk about disobedient children and in most cases the way to address the behavior of these children by parents is not the best. In this post I leave some guidelines that can help you and your children obey, above all, and more important to me two tools to try to practically improve their behavior.

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