Feb 18

Mindfulness for children.

photo credit: PaulReed0100 good times via photopin (license)

A few weeks ago a friend wrote me after reading the infographic I made with 15 tricks to improve care, commenting that, from their point of view and something he would have added relaxation or mindfulness practice when you get home, or begin classes.

As he told me, It is true that when the kids arrive from school, usually they do very fast, we as adults once they feel intend to do homework, but maybe, before, We should leave a few minutes to relax, down the pace and, then, get to work.

It is important to know that I am not an expert in Mindfulness. This article is a compilation of activities and resources, from my point of view, I think they may find useful.

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Nov 16

10 activities “to warm” class.

photo credit: victorcamilo  via photopin (license)

photo credit: victorcamilo via photopin (license)

It is increasingly difficult to capture the attention of our students. I do not know if you happen to you but, sometimes, I have to juggle my students to get involved in my class and I pay attention.

One way to capture the attention of our students is with activities and games. These are often called warmers, or activities to "warm up" the class.

I use them quite, especially in my college classes. But these activities can be used with almost any age and, I assure, that shall come great, not only for "Charmed" to your students, but also to review and work concepts in a fun way.

I wont activities can be used both in your English class, as in a class of Spanish as a foreign language, or even in a language class.

I leave 10 Activities that "you calentéis" your class and you make that your students want unmissable 😉

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Jul 16

5 activities in English for the first days of class.

photo credit: image_030 via photopin (license)

photo credit: image_030 via photopin (license)

In the past week, one of the blog readers asked what activities could do for the first few days of class. Those days when we have new children, we do not yet know the names, and we need to somehow "grope" How are our new students.

Today I leave 5 activities that you can do, almost any age, from 2nd grade. I hope you find helpful, and when the course begins and realicéis may tell me how you go.

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Jul 16

How to teach English to kids in 2 years old.

Last week I received an email that could not make me more excited. It comes to Ade, a reader and follower of my Youtube channel, that the next course will face a great challenge: teach English to kids in two years in a country with a totally different culture than ours.

In your email, Ade told me that I was not sure how to deal with class, and what resources to use with very young children. Therefore, although today's post is particularly aimed at her, I hope that, all that next year we enfrentéis a similar challenge to help you.

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Sep 15

PE resources to work in English.

photo credit: Base Path via photopin (license)

photo credit: Base Path via photopin (license)

Increasingly, the cabbages are jumping on the bandwagon of bilingualism, and more and more schools decide to start teaching English at an early age. In the past week, I received an email from Mireia, a reader who told me that this year is "facing" the challenge of teaching physical education in English, specifically in early childhood education.

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Apr 15

How to improve care for the kids.

Improving growing ateción_Vamos

As a profe sure that often you've told the parents of your students phrases like: "It confuses a lot" or "not pay attention". And as sure that the profes father of the little ones you have said at some point.

When we talk about attention is not only important to seek solutions and activities to improve. It is essential that we find the reason or reasons for this lack of attention.

So today First we will do a review of the possible causes of this lack of attention. Secondly we will look at some general guidelines to improve care of the kids in their day to day. Y, by last, we will see some concrete activities to be working with them.

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Apr 15

10 activities to stimulate language.

10 lenguaje_vamos activities to stimulate growth

When language development refers, every child is a world. We have already commented on occasion that some children can not compare with others because everyone is different.

I personally do not like talking about concrete to develop skills you determine age because I think that depends on multiple factors.

What is clear is that the language may even affect the development of intelligence. In fact I discussed that topic in the post "How it affects the language to the intelligence of children and how to stimulate". Therefore, taking as a starting point what already said at the time, what today are going to give 10 specific activities to stimulate language.

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Jan 14

Ten activities to develop imaginative thinking your child.

To set a starting point and the main reason I decided to make a post with this subject, I consider it important to clarify why it is important, from my point of view, develop imaginative thinking of small and what brings this on your development.

First, it is important to define what is imaginative thinking and what is.

We can say that imaginative thinking is the ability to imagine things of immediate reality through imagination and fantasy. East, It is closely related to the creative imagination and creative thinking.

During our first years of life, our mind is particularly receptive to the stimuli it receives, all our experiences will be crucial for our development, marking our personality and our way of understanding the world.

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Dec 13

How language affects the understanding of children and how to stimulate it.

Undoubtedly, there are many parents who know the importance of communication and language with their children, but few really know the true extent you may have this communication and how it can affect the development and understanding of small.

On this topic, there is a statement that after numerous studies can do: the intelligence of children is directly related to the number of words that they have heard from birth to age three.

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