Sea 16

Letter to my students.

photo credit: Estelle via photopin (license)

photo credit: Estelle via photopin (license)

Today's post is not for you, Prof, ni para ti, father or mother. Today's post is for your children or students. Good, maybe it's also for some dads, but only for some 😉

One of the main characteristics of the methodology that I use in iKidz, is that the students have class only one hour a week. Something fundamental that I try to instill in my students and their parents, is that if they only come an hour a week it is because they have to review a little every day, in this way learning will be easier and more bearable.

What's the score? The result is that indeed some work throughout the week as I have indicated and they evolve a lot, but others ... others simply believe that by sitting for an hour in my classes they are already learning.

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Nov 15

Working dyslexia in language learning.

photo credit:  via photopin (license)

photo credit: via photopin (license)


Dyslexia is a topic that had not tried before on the blog. You know what, generally, I usually address issues, either they have a direct bearing on my way to work in the classroom, or I investigate to help and work best with one of my students.

A few weeks ago I met this challenge, and I have been aware of the few resources they have and how the education system, at least in the case with which I have found, It has not done anything, in the center, to help this student.

I invested a little on this subject, obviously, applied to learning a foreign language, and today I will activities or leave you some tricks that English teachers can do to help students with such difficulties.

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