Jul 17

The franchise for iKidz.

The franchise for iKidz

Last 19 June had the opportunity to participate as a speaker in seminar on franchising in the Chamber of Commerce of Oviedo.

In just over half an hour, I wanted to try to convey to the audience, what is the franchise for iKidz, I not only applied to our model and business, if not any brand or industry.

Whether you are interested in investing in this sector, as if you want to know a little more about our brand and philosophy, I encourage you to see the video that I leave then.

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Apr 17

Entrepreneurship in education.

photo credit: Airsoftpal.com Business Entrepreneurs via photopin (license)

photo credit: Airsoftpal.com Business Entrepreneurs via photopin (license)

For second consecutive Year, Centro Universitario Villanueva has invited to the roundtable on entrepreneurship in education, They organized every year as part of Day Training and Employment.

The day was a success, and I had a great time sharing Friday afternoon with students of 4th of Education.

Today I want to tell you a little what issues we try, the views of other speakers and, of course, students.

If you're planning to embark on education, The post today you are interested!

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Apr 16

15 fundamental qualities of any entrepreneur.

This Friday I had the opportunity to participate in the Villanueva University Center, at a round table on entrepreneurship in education with professionals of the stature of Teresa Iraburu from Kidsco Infant schools and Eduardo García from Espakeba.

Talking with entrepreneurs like Eduardo and Teresa offers you a unique point of view on the panorama of entrepreneurship in education in our country.

Further, it's an injection of energy to keep fighting, working and see that you are not alone, that the difficulties that I am encountering along the way are common to all of us who intend to change and do something different.

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Feb 15

The keys to educate future entrepreneurs.

The keys to educate future emprendedores_Vamos growing

First, I want to apologize because last week I gave up a little, but I was a little busy with my exams uni boys and I had too much time to research a subject that had long wanted to try and requires a time of reflection and considerable study.

On occasion I mentioned the importance of change the educational system to meet a labor system that is changing dramatically.

Currently we educate children to become part of a production system, when what we need are children able to undertake, Riding businesses and create jobs. But, the question here is, Have you're raising kids to be entrepreneurs? I will not even answer this question, I'll let you be yourself which responds.

In today's post I will address two main issues. First, how is this aspect represented in our educational system, if it is…. And second, how can we, both parents and the teachers, getting educate future entrepreneurs through simple actions we can start performing from an early age.

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