The keys to educate future entrepreneurs.

The keys to educate future emprendedores_Vamos growing

First, I want to apologize because last week I gave up a little, but I was a little busy with my exams uni boys and I had too much time to research a subject that had long wanted to try and requires a time of reflection and considerable study.

On occasion I mentioned the importance of change the educational system to meet a labor system that is changing dramatically.

Currently we educate children to become part of a production system, when what we need are children able to undertake, Riding businesses and create jobs. But, the question here is, Have you're raising kids to be entrepreneurs? I will not even answer this question, I'll let you be yourself which responds.

In today's post I will address two main issues. First, how is this aspect represented in our educational system, if it is…. And second, how can we, both parents and the teachers, getting educate future entrepreneurs through simple actions we can start performing from an early age.

Investigating a little on this subject, I gave a presentation of Alejandro Tiana Ferrer, Professor of Education at the UNED and former Director General of the Center for Advanced Studies (OEI). In speaking of basic skills in education and the development of initiative and entrepreneurship.

In 2006 It was carried out Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on key competences for lifelong learning.

This recommendation competences as a combination of knowledge defined, skills and attitudes appropriate to the context; and the following powers were established:

  • Communication in mother tongue.
  • Communication in foreign languages.
  • Mathematical communication and basic competences in science and technology.
  • Digital competence.
  • Learn to learn.
  • Social and civic competences.
  • Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.
  • Cultural awareness and expression.

Why do I mention these competitions? Why, Do you think are currently in school they are working all? I personally believe that we are focusing on the first but we are completely forgetting the past, and are the latest, not forgetting of course the most basic, which make the difference between those children prepared for future employment and those who are not.

It seems that Europe does consider such important skills but, What is happening in Spain? Luckly in LOMCE, the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, and it is seen as one of the core competencies, but the LOE, not even watching him.

We'll have to see how it will develop a competition defined as the European Union:

  • The ability of a person to transform ideas into action.
  • It is related to creativity, innovation and risk taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives.
  • It applies both in everyday life and in the workplace.
  • I care involves ethical values ​​and good governance.

For the time being, if you do not want to wait to see how schools are doing, or do, to educate future roadmap entrepreneurs, I leave you 10 keys for you, parents or teachers, you may do so.

  1. Responsibility

Accountability is something that, certainly, we instill in all children but if we educate entrepreneurial future it is critical.

Set the table, make your bed or pick up your room are simple tasks that will help them acquire responsibilities go from small and begin to understand that they must take care to keep your things orderly and controlled.

The responsibility is directly related to the discipline, key to developing any business project. Perseverance and effort are attitudes that we teach children from small and these go hand in hand with discipline.

To instill discipline must go giving children responsibilities according to their age and gradually increase these depending on their age and maturity.

  1. Constructive criticism.

Logically, any child must punish scold and even if something is not done well, but if you have made the task involves learning we must be careful how we state that he was not successful. I.e., if the child has made the bed but he has not done well, do not tell him: "This is not done, fatal”, say something like: "it's very good, but next time look at how we can do to make it great ". Such criticism will encourage you to keep trying but if instead we use words like failure, the child eventually give up.

  1. Initiative.

The initiative is critical if we want to educate future entrepreneurs. Note that adults are constantly making decisions, from which shirt to put on Pan buy, through relevant decisions related to our work. Children must give those same opportunities to choose.

The initiative is a "training" that occurs throughout life and serve so that when these children reach adulthood are able to make their own decisions with critical skills.

Do you think that a child who has been given everything done will be able to make their own decisions? It will be an adult doubtful, ability to make decisions without constantly seek approval from others.

So we must promote responsibility, a choice, even teach the kids is good wrong because this is the best way to learn.

Further, if you decide to leave your child make decisions and initiatives, what then can not do is that if it fails to receive retaliation because then there will try again.

Have to be fair both punishments and rewards. If we encourage initiative and teach them to make decisions these will become more successful.

  1. Choose.

This point is closely related to the previous. Let the kids choose it is fundamental. One of the most basic forms of overprotection is choose us small, preventing them from making any decision.

Many parents become desperate when they ask your child what you want in a given situation and end up deciding for him.

It's normal for kids are hesitant to certain situations, we know our environment seamlessly but they are knowing and still do not really know what they want or prefer. We must let the children take their time, to analyze the different possibilities and choose when they are ready.

  1. Joy.

It may seem silly but a positive attitude is essential to educate an entrepreneur. Obviously the seriousness will be critical in certain situations but pass on to our customers or employees loyalty and a positive attitude will make the work more enjoyable. We must educate children cheerful!

  1. Curiosity.

Curiosity is one of the key factors of every entrepreneur but also, It is one of the key factors in learning.

Arouse curiosity in children is opening a door to new knowledge that will come nearly alone because children themselves will be those who want to discover.

If from small we encourage their curiosity and willingness to learn, as adults they will naturally.

Further, is very important that from small children to instill the importance of interacting with people that give them different and interesting views and learn to listen to people with more experience than they.

  1. Importance of People.

One of the keys to success for those who go far is that they have surrounded themselves of highly qualified people and the qualities that complement them missing. This is something that if not instill in children from a young, as adults will not be able to perform.

We can not educate our kids as if his knowledge were the only valid, We must show them that people care about and to be critical of themselves to be able to see their strengths and weaknesses.

Demos instill teamwork and the importance of others to perform certain tasks.

  1. Job.

Entrepreneurs are generally hardworking people, they focus all their efforts on getting your dream, your project, your company.

Therefore, if we give a child everything done, never valued the effort required to get certain things. But if instead you responsibilities offer, we encourage you to choose from several options and delegate to him, We develop an inquiring mind and increasingly autonomous.

Further, it is important that from small children to explain what the money means. They must understand the relationship between winning, spend and save.

On the other hand, you must be careful with the issue of rewards. When we talk about the kids inculcate the ability to work and strive for things that does not mean that every time we do something we offer them material reward.

The theme of the rewards must treat it with care because it can lead to the child used to receiving something material every time they do something and, therefore, if no reward do nothing.

The Rewards should be social and verbal. Demos convey at all times how well you are doing, As proud as we are but not every action associated with a material prize, this ultimately loses its effectiveness.

  1. Personal factors.

Obviously, above all we have seen these points are personal factors, many times, mark the child's future. Education, family factors, social or economic might very mark the child's future.

It is impossible for family or economic circumstances do not influence future "entrepreneurs", but what we can do is encourage children and teach them how to improve and learn is to do things yourself.

In any case, and above all this is educating children cheerful, independent and capable of making their own decisions, these features because they will be able to decide on his way and overcome the obstacles they arrive them during this.


"An entrepreneur sees opportunities where others only see problems."

Michael Gerber

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  1. Viviana Gamarra

    I'm from Argentina and I love this page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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