Apr 16

15 fundamental qualities of any entrepreneur.

This Friday I had the opportunity to participate in the Villanueva University Center, at a round table on entrepreneurship in education with professionals of the stature of Teresa Iraburu from Kidsco Infant schools and Eduardo García from Espakeba.

Talking with entrepreneurs like Eduardo and Teresa offers you a unique point of view on the panorama of entrepreneurship in education in our country.

Further, it's an injection of energy to keep fighting, working and see that you are not alone, that the difficulties that I am encountering along the way are common to all of us who intend to change and do something different.

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Jul 15

How to turn our class.

Some time ago, I became fashionable model called flipped classroom. The meaning, as its name suggests, It is "to turn the class", raise it a different way to produce really meaningful learning.

For me, summer is a time to take the opportunity to retrain, find resources and alternatives in order to improve the way that I have to teach my students. So today, I decided to research and write about the flipped classroom idea but, above all, on tools that will enable us "to turn our class".

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