Sep 17

video post. Using Map Children's Day with your little.

The market is full of apps for your kids to play and learn at home. The problem is that many times, downloaded applications that do not have very clear what they are or what their educational value.

It's fundamental, that when you descargáis an application to learn or play your little, ye clear what and how you should use it.

Video Today, I tell you how you should use Children's Day at home Map to be effective and your children learn, for real! 😀

Remember that you have Children's Dap May available for your Android device and use from your browser by clicking here: http://day-map.fourthbit.com

I hope this video the useful results, not only to use Children's Day Map, also for any other app.

Thanks for being there!

“Technology is nothing. The important thing is to have faith in people, they are basically good and intelligent, and if you give them tools, They will do wonderful things with them.”

Steve Jobs.


May 14

The 7 best parental control applications.

The 7 best parental control applications

photo credit: Jody Roberts via photopin cc

In post of the week last tried an issue of concern, and a lot, most parents who have children in age to use mobile devices.

Last Sunday we discussed what the parental control and what are the main features that you should look for in a parental control app if you want to be sure that your children made use of the device will be completely reliable and not access to inappropriate content.

In today's post I bring the 7 Best Apps, especially for Android, that you have available in the market to control mobile devices using the kids in the house.

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Apr 14

Smile and Learn. A new way to work reading.

You know that one of the points that usually try my post is the use of new technologies in the teaching-learning process, and not just in the classroom, also at home.

There are many applications that help us work the direntes areas with small house and my, personally, I like to stress upon the applications for language learning, especially English. In fact, the last week I spoke of an app in which I have the pleasure to participate as an educational consultant.

Today I asked my friends Smile and Learn, of which I already talked in the past Education Congress Educating Children to Learn we explain firsthand what their stories and above all provide added value.



I think no one better than them to tell you first hand all the characteristics of these stories.

I leave with them!

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Nov 13

Tablets for children.

Now that the holidays are approaching, you may be thinking about buying a tablet to your hij @, if so, surely you will have already been researching on the Internet and you will have established that the tender and options in this regard is huge.

First, you ought to think about if you want a tablet for children "factory" or a tablet for adults adapted to the little kids. If you decide to bone along this second option, blogs have as pequetablet, where you will find all the information you need. These blogs also offer you guides who will explain in detail the technical specifications must be taken into account when making your purchase decision.

In case you have to decide for buying a tablet for children, here's a selection of some of the tablets that you can find on the market. Note that there is a tablet that is better than the other, it all depends on the child's age, the budget you have, and you use you please give.

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