What is parental control and why it is essential devices for kids.

Photo Credit: Ojang jerry via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Ojang jerry via Compfight cc

There are many parents who ask me for advice when choosing the best application for their children, sometimes they want to know they can use to learn English (I will discuss this issue soon), in others it is to establish routines or to encourage reading. But in most cases not only care about quality App, for them the most important thing is usually the use their children make of the device and the options they may have to control this use.

A few months ago we discussed the issue of best tablet for kids house, and in this post I commented that most of these devices tend to bring parental control "serial", but, What if it is not enough for us or want to install other control device?

In today's post we will see the main keys, from my point of view, They are necessary when choosing the parental control for the device that kids use.

What is parental control?

We talk about when we refer parental control tools, whether automated or not, intended to control the use that the kids make mobile devices.

When we mention NO automated tools, we are talking about the control that parents or guardians themselves make about their children or students, that is to say, the education and awareness. Undoubtedly automated tools are a convenient way to control the use that children make mobile devices, but it is essential that we educate them responsible use because otherwise always need "barriers" by adults to define this use and they will not develop their own criteria, something we've already spoken on previous occasions and that is essential in many areas of education of young.

On the other hand, the automated tools tools are those for the device itself, which generally serve two functions: prevention and control.

How do the parental control tools work?

To choose the tool that best suits our needs and what we are looking for, I consider essential to understand how these tools work. We can find several features in parental control tools, let's see some of them.

Navigation control tools.

Basically these tools allow us to determine which sites children can access and which sites not. Two prevention techniques:

  • White list/Black list.

When we talk about white list or white list we refer to the sites to which children can access.

Conversely, black list or black lists are those sites you can not access.

  • Lock keywords.

We determine that words are dangerous and when the application detects that you want to enter a site containing these words the blocks preventing entry.

Application Blocking.

those applications that do not want to lock children access. It can be any application that we deem, from e, hasta Google Play, essential from my point of view, but we want children to be "founded" all our savings by buying applications for mobile or tablet :s

Time control.

You no applications dedicated exclusively to this, One is Screen Time, we will see in detail next week. Its function is to control the number of hours used in certain applications, you can also limit the use of the computer or Internet connection. We usually leave stipulate times, and even differentiate between weekends and weekdays.

browsers children.

They perform the same function but a browser either give access to appropriate content for kids.

Some children browsers that disponéis:


My Kids Browser

Buddy Browser



The page else I like to me for its aesthetics, Very well suited for kids, is Kidrex



Safe Search Kids

That if, the fact that browsers are children does not mean that only give access to appropriate content, They are obviously very limited but from my point of view can not fail to control their use of the Internet while the kids are using these systems.

Tools that block information coming out of the computer.

These tools do not leave disclose personal information, This means filling out forms that do not allow, or make purchases with cards, for example. So that does not leave any information on the device.


Son control tools rather than prevention. Allow registered remaining pages have been visited so that later we can see what the surfing habits of sin.

We have already seen what is the parental control and how the tools work, If you are interested in this topic and want to know which are the best parental control applications that currently exist, do not fail to consult the post next week in which I talk about 8 applications that can be installed on devices of kids in the house.

Kisses to all,

"Every day we know more and understand less".

Albert Einstein

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