How to be a good communicator inside and outside the classroom.

It is much the talk, and has spoken, on the ingredients to have a good teacher. A few weeks ago I prepared one infographic about the characteristics that make a teacher in an exceptional teacher. On occasion I have also talked about how we can earn our students. But, the truth, It is that I've never gotten into detail in one of the skills that I believe are fundamental in teaching: the communication.

Undoubtedly a teacher must be a great communicator. And if a few years ago was a fundamental skill it is now even more because we must reach beyond our audience and win, reach it, connect to it.

I've always said, children are the most demanding audience that we can face. They do not go around with nonsense, or you like you or not, or make you case or not, and you pay attention and follow you will learn or not to do.

In today's post I am going to leave some guidelines that I believe are fundamental if we want to be great communicators and win our students.

  1. Challenge your students! We all need to take on challenges. The challenges and objectives make fight to try to achieve what we have proposed whatever happens. Our students feel the same. They need we raise them challenges. They need to feel that we believe in them. This is a great way to captivate.
  2. Zero boredom! I always say that the teachers, besides teachers, we must be actors. If you want to keep the attention of your students you should smile, change the tone of your voice, jump and dance if necessary. Your students should feel that in your class anything can happen, you can do anything. This brings me to the next point.
  3. Be unpredictable! Surprise your students. If they know from the beginning what will happen the rest of the class and they will have no interest in you. You must motivate them and having them in "I tenterhooks" throughout the class. If you surprise them will get not wanting to miss a minute of your class for fear of missing any of your occurrences.
  4. Get in place! This we have spoken on more than one occasion. If you want to catch your attention it is essential that you prepare a Class thinking of them, not you. Uses a language of communication with which they feel identified. A language that connects with them. Put examples that sit close and not make them think you're a weirdo.
  5. Believe in yourself and what you're telling them! It is essential to believe in yourself. Students smell insecurity, the feel before you even. It is therefore essential that you believe what you are telling them, you feel safe and to transmit them that security.
  6. Get to the point. Do not get confused. If you want to explain something I explain it, but you do not walk with rodeos. If you want your students to convey an important message not enter other. It is better to focus on what we want to convey to give them too much information at once.
  7. Use non-verbal language. If you want to be a good communicator and win your audience, your students, it is essential that use non-verbal communication. Smile, move your hands, Get closer to your students. All these will better understand your message.
  8. Listen out! A key feature is good communicators who listen. Listening is essential to know exactly what you want your audience. This has much to do with those who have previously seen to have the ability to put yourself in the place of your students.
  9. Go to your entire audience. It is important that when you are communicating something to your students look all. Do not focus your eyes on one or in a small group. Hand out your eyes and attention so that everyone feels that the message is addressed to them. Further, avoid them feel intimidated by a consistent look.

I hope these tips will help you not only to communicate effectively with your students, but in all areas of life. I hope that, further, They will serve to bite more calmly to any other audience than your students.

Thanks for being there!

"True communication does not begin talking but listening. The main condition of the good communicator is a good listener ".

Mario Kaplún
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  1. Very useful for teachers and speakers of any age. Conunicar is a skill that requires work for effective use.
    Thank you

  2. Thank you… should read us this post to education professionals every day, before start working. What more simple and easy tips to forget!

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