Jan 18

Activating curiosity. Infographic.

Saturday I had the opportunity to be at the event Grandes Profes, listening to great professionals of education and communication speak on a topic that all teachers should be key: the curiosity.

As you know, in iKidz Motivation is one of the key pillars. Curiosity is directly related to the motivation, because through this we can get arouse curiosity for what our students are learning.

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May 16

10 Keys to facing disobedience.

photo credit: Jan 16 (3) via photopin (license)

photo credit: Jan 16 (3) via photopin (license)

When I talk to dads who come to iKidz, the main problem that everyone encounters at home is the disobedience of their children.

This is usually associated with the performance of homework, to discipline around order, to cleaning, the schedules, manners, etc.

It is clear that no one wants a disobedient child, constantly questioning what his parents ask him to do, but we don't want “baby boy” children either, that they always do everything without question, that they do not question anything and that they are not able to make their own decisions, because tomorrow this attitude towards life will be counterproductive.

Get a child to obey us and at the same time listen to their initiatives, your tastes and opinions is a difficult point to find. So in today's post, I leave you 10 keys to trying to reach this point.

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Feb 16

How to be a good communicator inside and outside the classroom.

It is much the talk, and has spoken, on the ingredients to have a good teacher. A few weeks ago I prepared one infographic about the characteristics that make a teacher in an exceptional teacher. On occasion I have also talked about how we can earn our students. But, the truth, It is that I've never gotten into detail in one of the skills that I believe are fundamental in teaching: the communication.

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Feb 16

Learning to solve problems and be resilient.

photo credit: peek a boo via photopin (license)

photo credit: peek a boo via photopin (license)

Resilience is a term that is very fashionable lately. He is talking a lot about the importance of resilience teachers, but from my point of view it is a fundamental skill in any field of life.

For you who are not very familiar with the term, according to the SAR resilience it is: adaptability of a living being against disruptive agent or a state or adverse situation. I.e., that resilience It is nothing more than the ability of people to deal with problems and their ability to solve.

Today I will give you some tricks to make it easier to face and solve problems. I believe that, Whether you're a father profe, these tips will come great because it will help you face life differently and also, you help your children or students to be resilient too.

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Dec 15

How We gave life mascot iKidz.

iKidz English_Vamos Growing

As you know, I opened in September iKidz, a small school located in Torrejon de Ardoz with a special methodology. In learning is iKidz truly personalized, What does it mean? This means that We do not use books. The materials are generated based on the student's needs and concepts for the teaching-learning process it shows that you need to learn. But, further, in the game is essential iKidz, motivation and integrate language learning in all aspects of the lives of our kids, and not so little ones ...

In iKidz we give importance to all, from the pillars of our methodology, even the small details that make this "center" such a special place. If you walk into our muro de Facebook you'll see what I mean by "those little details".

Further, Today I want to show a little surprise, the video of how life gave Owly, owl iKidz.

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Nov 15

Is it really necessary medication for ADHD?

photo credit: _JMH8345 (1) via photopin (license)

photo credit: _JMH8345 (1) via photopin (license)

Never before he had tried on the blog theme ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. No soy psychologist, nor psychologist and, therefore, I am not an expert on the subject, but I worry about how some teachers, that they are not, They strive to label this behavioral syndrome children from my point of view do not suffer.

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Apr 15

12 Key to foster teamwork and collaboration.

12 Keys to promote work in equipo_Vamos GrowingMany times we are so concerned about the content we have to give, we forget that skills are much more important for the future of our students.

In today's post I have prepared an infographic with 12 I consider key fundamental if we want to teach our students what it means collaboration and teamwork.

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Nov 14

4 reasons for learning English movies.

4 apreder reasons for English movies

Movies are one of the tools used in language learning, especially when we refer to the process of teaching and learning of adults. But for children are also a very effective learning tool.

When a teacher makes a movie to his students not to fill the class and to be left alone, in most cases ... Generally, drawings or videos have an educational purpose.

Today I'll tell you the 4 Main reasons that movies are a good tool in language learning. Further, this applies both to learning of your children as to yours and, on the other hand, for those of you not yet manejáis well with English you can come in handy for practicing with your kids.

Camera ... action!

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Sea 14

The game. Key learning of the smallest.

The game. Key kids learning

The game is one of the main aspects in the growth of children, not only favors their social skills, mental and physical, further, It is their way of knowing the world. Through play they express their feelings, your ideas and fantasies naturally and spontaneously.

During the Nursery Education, the game gives us the opportunity to create situations that actually cause one significant learning in small, that is to say, situations that do not go unnoticed by their little heads, but they are interesting, something that is directly related to the already treated theme motivation. In fact, along this post, let's see how motivation and game are directly related.

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Sea 14

All you need to know to motivate children in their learning.

All you need to know to motivate niños_vamos creciendo.jpg

The motivation It is a vast subject and has been treated from many perspectives. Many theorists talk about the importance of this learning but there are also those who claim that motivation is not at all representative of the individual learning.

I personally feel that it is extremely important, not only from a theoretical perspective, but from a completely practical perspective, and I have observed firsthand as is the evolution of those motivated students and as is those who are not.

In this post we will see a short summary of the main points related to motivation in young children, the main types of motivation, how can we know through the behavior if we are motivated to children or not and how we can develop motivation.

We start?

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