4 Games to learn English irregular verbs.

4 activities to learn irregular verbs in English

If your child has not had to learn the table of irregular verbs for school, I assure you will have to do so soon. I think it's one of the things I dislike most children, but it is so fundamental, they have no choice but to learn if they want to make proper use of language.

This week I start in iKidz intensive summer courses, as you know, in iKidz always we adapt to the needs of our students. Therefore, during this first half of the activities in which we focus is on learning verbs. One of my students in grades 5 must return in September with the board learned the full, so let's see if we can take a class handle 😉

  • Board game.

I propose this activity first because it's my favorite. It is also a super simple activity that can be adapted to any age.

We will make a fairly complete game and with many verbs, nothing more and nothing less than 60, because we are talking about students in grades 5, but you can also make a game with fewer boxes for the lower grades.

Only thing you need is a card!


The first thing you must do is decide together the rules of the game. Obviously English, redactadlas escribidlas together in a visible place of your board.

The rules could be similar to these:

  1. Each player puts his or her piece in the “Start” position and rolls the die to see who begins to play.
  2. The highest number starts, and play continues clockwise.
  3. The player rolls the die and moves as many places as shown on the die.
  4. Depending on where the player lands, the player will have to say three forms of the irregular verb.

Once you may have the rules you have to decide how many verbs are going to include in the game, to draw based on these boxes.

When you have the boxes you can put some to "trap". One in which if you have to fall back, others where they have to move, etc.

Write down the verbs and presto!, already you have game. Now you need the chips and a given.


As we have seen in the rules, each time a student drops a box has to say the three columns of that word and its meaning. To make it more fun you can still ask him to do the action that the verb refers, If you have fallen into the "write" box, to make the gesture of writing, etc.

  • Learn verbs with colors.

Last week a mom sent me material that I love. Basically, It is to learn the pronunciation of words through a series of color codes.

Colour Trick It has many materials, but which I want to talk today is English Verbs. A notebook in which disponéis the list of irregular verbs pronunciation and sorted by alphabetical order. Certainly a very good and different way to learn the table of irregular verbs.

  • Apps and interactive games.

You know what they say, "If you can not beat the enemy, join them ". So if you can not beat the Tablet, you'll have to join her 😉

Today there are so many games and applications for the Tablet and PC, that will help your toddler learn the verbs playing, and not the method that we use to "crush" and memorize the table until we knew us.

Verb Busters is an app which is pretty good, although it is paid. This other, It is free but is very complete, yes, to access the more advanced levels you have to pay.

In addition to the apps for the Tablet, disponéis web pages with interactive activities How is it going.

  • Card game

This game can be fantastic to work verbs both at home and in class. Further, You just need to do some cards or sheets. How do we prepare? Gather the list of verbs that your children or students have to learn. Cut the foil or cardboard "small letters", pieces the size of a real letter. Divide the list of the number of students that you may have. Each student will have to write a "letter" a verb. Once you may have roles with all verbs and you can play.

Shuffle the cards so that the verbs are thoroughly mixed and repartid letters from your students. You can draw lots which student leaves. The student must choose a card of you have and put it on the table, the partner who has to his right has to say last, the past participle of the verb and the meaning. If you do not know the letter has to stay, if you know your partner regains the letter that had come loose, and so on. Win the student before running out letters!

I hope these activities and resources your children learn much more easily and quickly verbs. Do you know any different way to learn? Share it with us!

Thanks for being there.

"Children need time and space to play. Play is not a luxury, it is a necessity." Kay Redfield Jamison

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  2. Really helpful thanks

  3. Mola you do this, It's great fun and I know them all

  4. It helped me a lot,Cristina thanks ^ _ ^ _ ^^

  5. Hello!
    Useful resources. Thank you!

  6. wow, the truth is that it is very good idea, How did you come up with that?, well done!! this <3

  7. Hello, thank you for that mural because that way my daughter knows it better. We want more people like that in the world. One thing, the next mural can be made of meso animals, if you can do it.
    friends and all that because he does not like anything about the subject that please

    • Hello Magdalena!
      Thank you very much for your message.
      Ideally, you should be the ones to make the mural, That way they look much better and they learn doing it 😉
      A hug,

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