Jan 18

Activating curiosity. Infographic.

Saturday I had the opportunity to be at the event Grandes Profes, listening to great professionals of education and communication speak on a topic that all teachers should be key: the curiosity.

As you know, in iKidz Motivation is one of the key pillars. Curiosity is directly related to the motivation, because through this we can get arouse curiosity for what our students are learning.

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Oct 17

Infographic. 10 Tricks to promote learning.

photo credit: Aikawa 芥 aikawake Colorful Childhood via photopin (license)

It has been a long time since I prepared an infographic and this week I decided to prepare one with some tips and tricks that I think will be great for this beginning of the course.

Learning is affected by many factors. Some of these factors affect, above all, at the moment in which we expose ourselves to the concepts we want to learn. These are the motivation, the way we learn, etc. But there are many other factors that affect learning and that have to do with our routines and lifestyle. It is important that you take into account these factors in order to favor your child's learning, and not only for them, These tips can also be applied to your way of learning.

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Jul 17

10 English tricks to review this summer. Infographic.

photo credit: Shawn Harquail Catch me if you can! via photopin (license)

photo credit: Shawn Harquail Catch me if you can! via photopin (license)

Many have asked me what I recommend you to go over your kids this summer, If you must buy a book for a particular subject, a book for a specific ... Whenever I say that every child is different, each child has different needs and can not generalize.

My recommendation is that, If your child has gone well during the course, Refresher seek a book they like summer, it is pleasant, but to continue doing things and not lose the routine. If you have been lax in a particular subject, then you can look for a book specifically for this.
Last summer I left a post with you 6 Book review. Here you can get some ideas for your kids do not lose routines and go over a little.

If you only want to work on a specific issue like the spelling, you can download These booklets totally free.

Decidáis what decidáis, I leave you 10 English repaséis tips for summer, both a book and own resources.

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Sep 16

22 Books to learn English.

photo credit: The Library 7 via photopin (license)

photo credit: The Library 7 via photopin (license)

You Oddly may seem, Some readers will arrive to convert almost friends. With some of you I regularly exchange emails. You tell me your concerns as parents and teachers, You ask me draw your inspiration and resources many of the articles, week after week, I write.

Today's post, It is one of those items. One of my readers told me this week seeking books to teach English in the classroom child.

Books that leave you between this post and the next week (I decided to do two because otherwise they would be very long ...), They are not only useful for working in early childhood education, You can serve almost any stage, it all depends on how Plantées use.

To make it easier to find the book you are looking for, I've organized the thematic, so if you want to work a book about emotions, go directly to that section.

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Jul 16

How to teach English to kids in 2 years old.

Last week I received an email that could not make me more excited. It comes to Ade, a reader and follower of my Youtube channel, that the next course will face a great challenge: teach English to kids in two years in a country with a totally different culture than ours.

In your email, Ade told me that I was not sure how to deal with class, and what resources to use with very young children. Therefore, although today's post is particularly aimed at her, I hope that, all that next year we enfrentéis a similar challenge to help you.

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Jul 16

4 Games to learn English irregular verbs.

4 activities to learn irregular verbs in English

If your child has not had to learn the table of irregular verbs for school, I assure you will have to do so soon. I think it's one of the things I dislike most children, but it is so fundamental, they have no choice but to learn if they want to make proper use of language.

This week I start in iKidz intensive summer courses, as you know, in iKidz always we adapt to the needs of our students. Therefore, during this first half of the activities in which we focus is on learning verbs. One of my students in grades 5 must return in September with the board learned the full, so let's see if we can take a class handle 😉

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Apr 16

All the acronyms you should know if you're English teacher.

All the acronyms you should know if you are English profDo not tell me you've never experienced this situation: you get to talk to the typical companion profession that only uses acronyms to express. "What if the CLIL is the latest in language teaching, but you use CMC is that you're not the last ... " And you will look ojiplático saying: "Clear, Clear, If you say it…" Obviously I'm exaggerating a bit… Most English teachers are familiar with most of these acronyms, or more than from the acronym with the method to which they refer. But begins to have so many, we find it almost impossible to remember all of them and their meaning.

I was missing a little "directory" with the main acronyms refer to methodologies or tools used in language learning, namely English. That's why today I prepared a post with the main ones that I know and I've found researching a little.

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Apr 16

15 fundamental qualities of any entrepreneur.

This Friday I had the opportunity to participate in the Villanueva University Center, at a round table on entrepreneurship in education with professionals of the stature of Teresa Iraburu from Kidsco Infant schools and Eduardo García from Espakeba.

Talking with entrepreneurs like Eduardo and Teresa offers you a unique point of view on the panorama of entrepreneurship in education in our country.

Further, it's an injection of energy to keep fighting, working and see that you are not alone, that the difficulties that I am encountering along the way are common to all of us who intend to change and do something different.

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Sea 16

Letter to my students.

photo credit: Estelle via photopin (license)

photo credit: Estelle via photopin (license)

Today's post is not for you, Prof, ni para ti, father or mother. Today's post is for your children or students. Good, maybe it's also for some dads, but only for some 😉

One of the main characteristics of the methodology that I use in iKidz, is that the students have class only one hour a week. Something fundamental that I try to instill in my students and their parents, is that if they only come an hour a week it is because they have to review a little every day, in this way learning will be easier and more bearable.

What's the score? The result is that indeed some work throughout the week as I have indicated and they evolve a lot, but others ... others simply believe that by sitting for an hour in my classes they are already learning.

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Jan 16

Exceptional or mediocre, What kind of teacher are you?

Portada_Exceptional teachers_ikidz_we are growing

Last Saturday I had the opportunity to attend the event Grandes Profes, and I have to say that, each and every one of the presentations made me reflect on my role as a teacher and the work I do.

It is the second year that I attend this event, and I have realized that their main objective is not to teach us something in particular, Its main objective is to make us reflect and give us a “kick” of energy to continue fighting for a profession that is less and less valued.

There are many topics that were discussed throughout the day, but the central theme was the ATTITUDE. The attitude that makes some teachers better than others. The ENERGY that makes the difference between exceptional and mediocre teachers, or "less good" as I prefer to say.

But, then, What Makes One Teacher Better Than Another? What has made César Bona one of the best teachers in the world? Is your knowledge? Is your experience?

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