Yes technologies, but be careful.

First, I want to apologize because a few weeks ago that I write on the blog. There have been a few weeks of hard work, But I'm back here, and an article by a topic that fascinates me: technologies in education.

When people ask me for iKidz methodology and tell them about our digital space and use of the Tablet in class, Some believe that our system ignores the role of the teacher, the activities we use can be used by children independently without any guidance, but it's not like that.

In iKidz we believe that technologies offer us endless possibilities, above all, in order to customize the learning process. But the teacher's role in guiding this process is essential if we are to occur truly effective learning.

How can teachers make the most of technologies?

  • Technologies help us work diversity. Although classes are maximum iKidz 8 students, technologies help us work with customized each. Mainly, because thanks to ICT we can tailor the teaching to them and their needs. But the teacher's role is essential in determining what activities and resources are best suited to each of their students.
  • Activities "unlimited". Thanks to technology, have at our fingertips an unlimited number of activities, for all ages and concepts. But in this respect the teacher's role remains crucial if we are to adequately determine what activities work and how students.
  • Empathy and motivation. As mentioned above technologies have the potential to motivate our students. But there are personal skills such as empathy that only a teacher can pass on to their students. Empathize with our students and motivate them is essential if we are to learn effectively.

Technology to our service, not conversely.

The first question you should ask yourself is, Will my child of technologies depends? I'm depending? If the answer is yes, watch out!

I see many children in bars hooked on the tablet and mobile from their parents. Watching videos and playing non-stop, They receive food almost automatically, and they are not able to look up the device or to answer the questions of those who are around him. When I watch these scenes I wonder if we will be generating the same need us in our classrooms, but the answer is no. In iKidz technology is our service, and not inverted. Many parents ask me if it is possible to access our digital space, iKidz Space, from home, and I always answer the same thing: "For such use was responsible and effect, you should have a programming guide or activities you go saying you should do and when ".

Internet is full of resources for our kids, songs, games, activities, but, Face to use these resources must consider the following factors:

  • Origin of those resources. As I always tell my students college: "Do not believe everything you say teachers, And do not think that everything on the internet is true ". We must teach our children and students to question everything, to check their veracity, to make sure you are using the correct information. We tend to think that everything on the Internet is reliable, but it's not like that. Check the source of resources is essential.
  • Always check the contents before. Especially when we talk about songs or YouTube channels, adults tend to click on the first link that comes before us without looking at the contents of that link or song. It is always essential that you check the web, link, song or game, before your son / daughter use it. Many times, pages contain unsuitable ads, that your children are going to be exposed without you realize just.
  • Apps and resources to learn. Whatever what you want your kids to learn: mates, english, science ... Beware how You use the resources at your disposal on internet! We can not think that by the simple fact that our child do an activity or game, this and will learn that concept. From my point of view, these activities or, even, "Courses" are only effective if we who guide them and complement with other activities. Let our son / daughter in front of the Tablet, it will not make them learn without further.

For this reason, in iKidz the Tablet has a starring role in only one part of our class:

  1. During the first 20 minutes of class, in the Assembly, We expose the concepts that we learn through play, The oral form, with songs and involving our students what we want them to learn through experimentation.
  2. It is then, in the next part of the class, during assimilation, in which we use the Tablet for our kids to practice what they have learned. Thus, Tablet offers the ability to customize the process: Each child can make a different activity depending on your needs.
  3. By last, We consolidate this learning through activities such as crafts, theater, etc.

As you see, from my point of view apps or internet resources that puts our service should complement, not the basis of learning.

As conclusion, I would say that technologies are a great tool through which we can customize the learning process, concepts or teach our kids in a fun way, but we can never forget our responsibility as parents and teachers, as learning guides our kids.

As usual, thanks for being there and devote your time.

A hug,

“It is a fact that man has to control science and occasionally check the advance of technology.”

Thomas Henry Huxley

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  1. Joaquin Ernesto Lopez

    You do not have a bug in your web?

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