Dec 17

Yes technologies, but be careful.

First, I want to apologize because a few weeks ago that I write on the blog. There have been a few weeks of hard work, But I'm back here, and an article by a topic that fascinates me: technologies in education.

When people ask me for iKidz methodology and tell them about our digital space and use of the Tablet in class, Some believe that our system ignores the role of the teacher, the activities we use can be used by children independently without any guidance, but it's not like that.

In iKidz we believe that technologies offer us endless possibilities, above all, in order to customize the learning process. But the teacher's role in guiding this process is essential if we are to occur truly effective learning.

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Feb 15

Internet use by students: Infographic.

A few days ago my colleagues to Docsity They contacted me to let me come a infographic with the findings of a study on Internet use by students.

The infographic found very interesting, above all, because we all speak the use of Internet and new technologies in education but do not know exactly the data that we face. So it seemed like a great idea that they themselves who will explain these data.

¡Os dejo with Docsity! I hope you find interesting.

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May 14

What is parental control and why it is essential devices for kids.

Photo Credit: Ojang jerry via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Ojang jerry via Compfight cc

There are many parents who ask me for advice when choosing the best application for their children, sometimes they want to know they can use to learn English (I will discuss this issue soon), in others it is to establish routines or to encourage reading. But in most cases not only care about quality App, for them the most important thing is usually the use their children make of the device and the options they may have to control this use.

A few months ago we discussed the issue of best tablet for kids house, and in this post I commented that most of these devices tend to bring parental control "serial", but, What if it is not enough for us or want to install other control device?

In today's post we will see the main keys, from my point of view, They are necessary when choosing the parental control for the device that kids use.

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