Sep 17

video post. Using Map Children's Day with your little.

The market is full of apps for your kids to play and learn at home. The problem is that many times, downloaded applications that do not have very clear what they are or what their educational value.

It's fundamental, that when you descargáis an application to learn or play your little, ye clear what and how you should use it.

Video Today, I tell you how you should use Children's Day at home Map to be effective and your children learn, for real! 😀

Remember that you have Children's Dap May available for your Android device and use from your browser by clicking here: http://day-map.fourthbit.com

I hope this video the useful results, not only to use Children's Day Map, also for any other app.

Thanks for being there!

“Technology is nothing. The important thing is to have faith in people, they are basically good and intelligent, and if you give them tools, They will do wonderful things with them.”

Steve Jobs.


May 17

How to improve English literacy.

photo credit: woodleywonderworks extra credit via photopin (license)

photo credit: woodleywonderworks extra credit via photopin (license)

What happens when you have not worked since childhood education literacy as it should? How can we make our students write correctly in English?

These are questions that many parents and teachers make me. Most schools use methods such as Jolly Phonics phonics to teach their students, but there are schools that completely forget this competition and, logically, When students arrive at primary encounter a serious problem: students do not know the English phonetics and literally write what they hear.

The problem is that once you are immersed in the maelstrom of contents, exams, duties, etc., representing primary, it is almost impossible to spend time working phonetics as we should. What can we do, then, to get our kids write and read correctly in English?

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Dec 16

10 different ways of using the Tablet or iPad.

photo credit: flickingerbrad student_ipad_school - 250 via photopin (license)

photo credit: flickingerbrad student_ipad_school – 250 via photopin (license)

Surely more than one occasion has used the Tablet or iPad as an educational resource. There are many possibilities that these devices offer us to improve education and, above all, to motivate our students.

But beyond applications, the Tablet and iPad have other potential uses that are sure your students leave open-mouthed.

In today's post I leave 10 ideas to use the Tablet differently in the classroom.

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Oct 15

6 Apps to help others.

photo credit: ipad via photopin (license)

photo credit: ipad via photopin (license)

Teaching children empathy and offer them the tools to learn how to help others is a fundamental task that neither parents nor teachers can forget.

The kids must understand the value of work, work with a friend, do something different and important to change the world and show others you care about.

Sometimes, It costs us teach these values ​​to children because they have the tools to do. So in today's post I am going to leave 6 applications and teach your children the importance of working students, care for the planet and more.

Are you ready to change the world? 😉

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Jun 14

Apps breaking barriers between analog and digital.

photo credit: Matteo Bagnoli via photopin cc

photo credit: Matteo Bagnoli via photopin cc

There are many times when dealing with parents of my students issues related to the use of new technologies in the education of their children. Most often it agrees with the fact that new technologies are very attractive for small and generally tend to help your learning and entertainment. But it is also true that there are still skeptical parents to the use of new technologies to believe that the use of these will not let their children develop real skills related to the real world.

Today I want to address this issue because I believe that in this case we can not speak or white or black, but rather a gray scale we can take depending on our goals and interests.

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May 14

The 7 best parental control applications.

The 7 best parental control applications

photo credit: Jody Roberts via photopin cc

In post of the week last tried an issue of concern, and a lot, most parents who have children in age to use mobile devices.

Last Sunday we discussed what the parental control and what are the main features that you should look for in a parental control app if you want to be sure that your children made use of the device will be completely reliable and not access to inappropriate content.

In today's post I bring the 7 Best Apps, especially for Android, that you have available in the market to control mobile devices using the kids in the house.

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May 14

What is parental control and why it is essential devices for kids.

Photo Credit: Ojang jerry via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Ojang jerry via Compfight cc

There are many parents who ask me for advice when choosing the best application for their children, sometimes they want to know they can use to learn English (I will discuss this issue soon), in others it is to establish routines or to encourage reading. But in most cases not only care about quality App, for them the most important thing is usually the use their children make of the device and the options they may have to control this use.

A few months ago we discussed the issue of best tablet for kids house, and in this post I commented that most of these devices tend to bring parental control "serial", but, What if it is not enough for us or want to install other control device?

In today's post we will see the main keys, from my point of view, They are necessary when choosing the parental control for the device that kids use.

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