Jan 16

This summer will travel iKidz! Are you coming?

iKidz leaves growing viaje_Vamos

As "you hear", few weeks ago I started to organize linguistic dives for next summer aimed at children between 8 and 17 years old, and certainly when you see schools that have selected more than one will prefer to leave the kids with the grandparents and come at us 😉

These dives will take place during July or August and I, personally, I will travel with a group of 15 children, so that throughout your stay you will have a permanent contact me there.

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Jan 16

4 ways to learn English on your own.

photo credit: Hands via photopin (license)

photo credit: Hands via photopin (license)

Many dads and moms who bring their kids to my classes and I discussed what they would like to catch up with English.

The main reason why they did not go to school is the time. They usually have long days and when they come home so they feel like is to spend a little while their kids. Having to leave home, go to class, etc. Les is a time that is not available. That makes will postpone learning English or any other language.

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Jul 15

Keys to learning how to learn from mistakes.

Keys to teach learn from the mistakes we grow cover

One of the issues of greatest concern to parents today, is the right point of freedom that should give their children when it comes to discovering and learning, above all, when you are learning from mistakes terms.

Personally, children consider fundamental mistake, than learn to manage those mistakes and learn from them.

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Apr 15

Apps and songs to work hygiene habits in English.

Inglés_vamos growing hygiene habits

Teaching children hygiene habits can be difficult, especially when it comes to very young children. It seems that the kids what to eat something after having been playing with the earth do not care too, and to say what it costs some brush their teeth ...

So today I bring some ideas to work hygiene habits with the kids. The general ideas will serve to work hygiene habits in any language, yes, resources and applications are in English 😉

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Nov 14

4 reasons for learning English movies.

4 apreder reasons for English movies

Movies are one of the tools used in language learning, especially when we refer to the process of teaching and learning of adults. But for children are also a very effective learning tool.

When a teacher makes a movie to his students not to fill the class and to be left alone, in most cases ... Generally, drawings or videos have an educational purpose.

Today I'll tell you the 4 Main reasons that movies are a good tool in language learning. Further, this applies both to learning of your children as to yours and, on the other hand, for those of you not yet manejáis well with English you can come in handy for practicing with your kids.

Camera ... action!

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Oct 14

How to learn English with themed activities. Halloween.

photo credit: Nenortas Photography via photopin cc

photo credit: Nenortas Photography via photopin cc

Teach children languages ​​or new vocabulary through thematic activities is a great way to create a specific context, so the child to focus on what he is learning.

Themed activities can be used for almost any block vocabulary. I use them a lot because I used to catch the attention of children and, further, arouse interest. These activities, provided they are well silvery, you start introducing vocabulary and children end up asking the rest.

In today's post we will see what is a thematic activity, Now coming Halloween night, one of the parties most famous Anglo-Saxon origin, we will raise an activity that you can make with the kids that day, plus some songs that you consolidéis concepts.

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Aug 14

4 tools for kids to learn to program.

photo credit: Lars Plougmann via photopin cc

photo credit: Lars Plougmann via photopin cc

The last week We started talking about the importance that some professionals are giving to the fact learn programming from children. We discuss the benefits of this activity and made mention of some studies show that it is possible to start programming even from the 6 years old.

In today's post, let's look at some of the tools most commonly used for this purpose, although not the only.

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Jul 14

Future Games. Osmo para iPad.

Image property of Tangible Play

Image property of Tangible Play

A few weeks ago, I wrote un post on applications that break barriers between analog and digital. With this article we saw that wanted all games or applications need not create a dependency, or a barrier to the "real world", rather the opposite.

They are becoming more and higher quality, the games intended to create a link between the real and the digital. But what, above all, They have a clear objective, improve skills in a particular area.

This is, from my point of view, the objective of Osmo, iPad accessory that connects what is happening on the device with reality.

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Jun 14

Apps breaking barriers between analog and digital.

photo credit: Matteo Bagnoli via photopin cc

photo credit: Matteo Bagnoli via photopin cc

There are many times when dealing with parents of my students issues related to the use of new technologies in the education of their children. Most often it agrees with the fact that new technologies are very attractive for small and generally tend to help your learning and entertainment. But it is also true that there are still skeptical parents to the use of new technologies to believe that the use of these will not let their children develop real skills related to the real world.

Today I want to address this issue because I believe that in this case we can not speak or white or black, but rather a gray scale we can take depending on our goals and interests.

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May 14

68 Songs to practice English with your child.

photo credit: Philippe Put via photopin cc

photo credit: Philippe Put via photopin cc

On previous occasions we talked about the importance of play during early childhood education. The game favors the development of the social skills, mental and physical, besides being a natural and spontaneous way of knowing the world for small.

As we saw in the previous post in this topic trying, There are many types of games that we can use for teaching-learning kids, one of these types are the corporal games, that are included in the songs, topic that will be discussed at today's post.

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