Sea 15

Do we help enroll 120 children in Senegal?


Did you know that…? With 2.350 euros, can afford the fees, management fees and school supplies for 120 children can attend school all year!

I was also surprised me when I read this data. But it is not the only thing to do with an amount in the West can be considered insignificant.

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Feb 15

The keys to educate future entrepreneurs.

The keys to educate future emprendedores_Vamos growing

First, I want to apologize because last week I gave up a little, but I was a little busy with my exams uni boys and I had too much time to research a subject that had long wanted to try and requires a time of reflection and considerable study.

On occasion I mentioned the importance of change the educational system to meet a labor system that is changing dramatically.

Currently we educate children to become part of a production system, when what we need are children able to undertake, Riding businesses and create jobs. But, the question here is, Have you're raising kids to be entrepreneurs? I will not even answer this question, I'll let you be yourself which responds.

In today's post I will address two main issues. First, how is this aspect represented in our educational system, if it is…. And second, how can we, both parents and the teachers, getting educate future entrepreneurs through simple actions we can start performing from an early age.

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Nov 14

Schools of the future. Kirkkojärvi School.

photo credit: nicholasjon via photopin cc

photo credit: nicholasjon via photopin cc

In July I wrote first in a series of post, I want to go in analyzing which are considered the 11 best schools in the world, not only for its features pedagogically, but also, for how to integrate new technologies into their system and how they use natural means to create sustainable environments.

The school of which I spoke in the post July was Ritaharju School, a school whose main feature is the use of new technologies in education. But not all Finnish schools emphasize this aspect. There are many other special features that make the 11 best schools in the world.

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Jul 14

Schools of the future. Ritaharju School.

photo credit: tomkellyphoto via photopin cc

photo credit: tomkellyphoto via photopin cc

A few days ago I read the article of Camila Alicia Ortega Hermina in Marketing on Young 11 most innovative schools in the world, and he has made me reflect.

Of the 11 this author suggests schools, none is in Spain, Should not we worry? Undoubtedly be the most innovative college that does not mean being the best academic results have, or the best prepared students out, but to be honest, it is quite related.

For my part, I wanted to analyze the characteristics that make these colleges excel over others.

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