Nov 15

Two years Growing Together.

Two years growing juntos_Vamos Creciendo_ikidz

A 7 November exactly two years ago wrote the first post we grow.

Two years in which we grow has grown with you. It has grown in readership, in subscribers and content. Two years in which the concept of this blog, the idea of ​​growing slowly, with work and effort would not have been possible had it not been for each and every one of you read every week and you share my articles.

Today I want to thank you and together take stock of what they have been these two years for blog.

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Sep 15

PE resources to work in English.

photo credit: Base Path via photopin (license)

photo credit: Base Path via photopin (license)

Increasingly, the cabbages are jumping on the bandwagon of bilingualism, and more and more schools decide to start teaching English at an early age. In the past week, I received an email from Mireia, a reader who told me that this year is "facing" the challenge of teaching physical education in English, specifically in early childhood education.

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Sep 15

4 tricks to teach kids to write.

4 basicos para enseñar a los peques a escribir

photo credit: via photopin (license)

The course has just begun, and certainly there are many teachers who are just out of college begin their wanderings in this wonderful world.

I am convinced that most of these new, and not so new teachers, they are now looking for resources to teach certain skills than, however much they work in textbooks, do not the way we would like.

In today's post, I will specifically address the issue of the writing. First, because it is one of the issues that most concern not only teachers, but also parents. Y, in second place, because this year the kids who have grown up with me, go to first grade, and I hope this helps a little to their moms and dads.

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Apr 15

How to improve care for the kids.

Improving growing ateción_Vamos

As a profe sure that often you've told the parents of your students phrases like: "It confuses a lot" or "not pay attention". And as sure that the profes father of the little ones you have said at some point.

When we talk about attention is not only important to seek solutions and activities to improve. It is essential that we find the reason or reasons for this lack of attention.

So today First we will do a review of the possible causes of this lack of attention. Secondly we will look at some general guidelines to improve care of the kids in their day to day. Y, by last, we will see some concrete activities to be working with them.

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Sea 15

I want to be profe!

In most of my post treatment issues that tend to interest parents and teachers, but, What about young people who want to pursue this fascinating world that do not quite know where to start?

The end of the year is coming and sure many are students who are considering what career to pursue next year. So today I'm going to talk specifically about what motivations and expectations you should have if what you want is to turn you in future kindergarten teachers.

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Feb 15

Internet use by students: Infographic.

A few days ago my colleagues to Docsity They contacted me to let me come a infographic with the findings of a study on Internet use by students.

The infographic found very interesting, above all, because we all speak the use of Internet and new technologies in education but do not know exactly the data that we face. So it seemed like a great idea that they themselves who will explain these data.

¡Os dejo with Docsity! I hope you find interesting.

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