Dec 16

10 different ways of using the Tablet or iPad.

photo credit: flickingerbrad student_ipad_school - 250 via photopin (license)

photo credit: flickingerbrad student_ipad_school – 250 via photopin (license)

Surely more than one occasion has used the Tablet or iPad as an educational resource. There are many possibilities that these devices offer us to improve education and, above all, to motivate our students.

But beyond applications, the Tablet and iPad have other potential uses that are sure your students leave open-mouthed.

In today's post I leave 10 ideas to use the Tablet differently in the classroom.

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Nov 16

Keys to deal with students who insult.


More and more cases of students who insult and disrespect to their classmates and teachers. Sometimes this kind of attitude does not come to be considered bullying, but it is usually associated and be the first step.

In this infographic we will see what we can do to avoid insults and how to react to these.

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Sep 16

3 Refugee schools

Took several weeks going around that would be the first item after the holidays. Do not think I found it easy to decide, I have several issues that I would try, but this post is special.

Cole begins and I'm sure most of your kids have no desire to start, but ye are forward 😉 But this does not happen to other children. There are children who are willing to go and cole, Unfortunately, they can not. This is the case of refugee children, affected by conflicts and wars that are in check much of the Middle East.

Many of these children have been forced to leave their country of origin, without really knowing where they will end.

The main problem is that these little ones are in refugee camps temporarily. Places where living conditions are very precarious and where, In most cases, there are no schools.

Luckly, there are initiatives through being created "schools" in which provide a minimum education for these children.

Today I want to talk about three of these initiatives. I hope to inspire your course starts as inspired mine.

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Jul 16

How to teach English to kids in 2 years old.

Last week I received an email that could not make me more excited. It comes to Ade, a reader and follower of my Youtube channel, that the next course will face a great challenge: teach English to kids in two years in a country with a totally different culture than ours.

In your email, Ade told me that I was not sure how to deal with class, and what resources to use with very young children. Therefore, although today's post is particularly aimed at her, I hope that, all that next year we enfrentéis a similar challenge to help you.

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Jun 16

how to punish.

photo credit: Grrr! via photopin (license)

photo credit: Grrr! via photopin (license)

Last week I left a post with you 10 Key to face disobedience. In this post I talked about the 10 things that you must always do if you want your kids will not "go wild".

When moms and dads ask me about how to change a particular behavior of their kids, I always tell them to use positive reinforcement, but it is true that often is not enough and there is no choice but to resort to punishment.

Punishing is not bad, but you have to know how to punish, and the most important: Punishment alone is not effective. Be aware that the punishment try not to change behavior, but eliminate the behavior. When we punish not usually explain to children what to do, but what they should not do. Therefore, it is essential that when we punish, We explain to children what they have done wrong and how they should do it next time.

On the other hand, punishment in isolation is very effective, but when we use it again and again completely loses its effectiveness. So remember that we can not abuse.

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Apr 16

30 Books to work emotions.

30 Stories emotions work

Friday received the message from a mom Academy, a post he has prepared for his blog. Lorena loves the Montessori Method. He's always coming up with new materials to work with your small, and this time the activity carried out with the book "The Color Monster" loved me. I encourage you to enter into your blog and toméis note. Is fantastic!

Lorena's article gave me an idea about what could speak in the post this weekend. Capitalizing on Saturday was World Book Day, and I've never talked about books or collections of books to work with the kids emotions, This week I leave with you a collection of 30 books that come great. A reading has been said! 😉

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Apr 16

All the acronyms you should know if you're English teacher.

All the acronyms you should know if you are English profDo not tell me you've never experienced this situation: you get to talk to the typical companion profession that only uses acronyms to express. "What if the CLIL is the latest in language teaching, but you use CMC is that you're not the last ... " And you will look ojiplático saying: "Clear, Clear, If you say it…" Obviously I'm exaggerating a bit… Most English teachers are familiar with most of these acronyms, or more than from the acronym with the method to which they refer. But begins to have so many, we find it almost impossible to remember all of them and their meaning.

I was missing a little "directory" with the main acronyms refer to methodologies or tools used in language learning, namely English. That's why today I prepared a post with the main ones that I know and I've found researching a little.

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Sea 16

gamification: Do’s and Don’ts. Infographic.

photo credit: Blue via photopin (license)

photo credit: Blue via photopin (license)

Much has been said, and they will continue talking, of gamification and its use in different fields. There are many companies that are applying it to motivate their workers and many educational tools and methods that have emerged in this regard.

For those of you who are not too familiar with the term, gamification or gamification, it is nothing other than him use of game mechanics in non-recreational environments and applications, with the aim of enhancing motivation, concentration, the effort, loyalty and other positive values ​​common to all games. In education, We could say that gamification is the use of a playful activity to learn with the aim of involving students and offering them a different way of learning.

U.S, logically, we care and concern about the use that can be made of gamification in education, therefore, far from positioning myself on whether its use in the educational field seems positive or negative, what he intends today is to give you some tricks on what we must and what we must not do if we want to use gamification effectively.

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Feb 16

How to be a good communicator inside and outside the classroom.

It is much the talk, and has spoken, on the ingredients to have a good teacher. A few weeks ago I prepared one infographic about the characteristics that make a teacher in an exceptional teacher. On occasion I have also talked about how we can earn our students. But, the truth, It is that I've never gotten into detail in one of the skills that I believe are fundamental in teaching: the communication.

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Nov 15

How to boost the confidence of your children.

photo credit: Ballet 3 via photopin (license)

photo credit: Ballet 3 via photopin (license)

This week I count with a very special collaboration on the blog. A collaboration, that we get from the other side of “puddle”, Hand Catalina Lopez Zuluaga. Born in Medellin, Antioquia, Montessori study at school and studied Social Communication and Journalism at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, where he graduated in 2005. Passionate about travel, and that was how she met her husband, with leading 10 years married and has two children, Mariana de 8 years and sockets 5 years old.

Besides travel, passionate about reading, cinema and all the outdoor activities. A year ago he started a personal project through writing about their adventures and journeys and, of course, on his greatest adventure, the wonderful experience of being a mom.

Today he wanted to share with us their knowledge how we can boost the confidence of our kids, I leave you with her!

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