If you're worried about using your children's computer, este post te interesa.

If you're worried about your children make use of ordenador_este post you interesa_Vamos Growing

One of the biggest concerns of parents is currently the type of information to which their children can access via the Internet. The network is loaded with information, much of this great help for education and training of children, but there are also a lot of information that children should never have access and, but nevertheless, It is at your fingertips.

One thing is clear, Internet is like real life. Must prepare children for responsible use, so they know what is right and what not, who can be trusted and who is not.

You know that I am an advocate of the use of new technologies by children, but it is also essential that we educate them from a young age so they know how to be this use.

In today's post some tips that I consider fundamental I leave for your children to make responsible use of technology.

  1. Learn to use the computer.

To find out what your children do with the computer, the type of pages you can access, etc., it is essential that you learn to use your computer. You can even ask your children to teach you 😉

  1. Time control.

Control the time your children spend at the computer it is essential. Children should study, do sport, spending time with family and friends. It is therefore important that at home establezcáis a series of rules governing the time spent at the computer. Ideally you reach an agreement between all, that children do not feel it is something imposed as you please. Explicadles the reasons and why this time distribution.

  1. The computer always a common habituation.

Put not your computer in your children's room. This will favor the isolation. The computer should always be in a common place where you may be able to control their use. Further, this will encourage the use of computers is something familiar and associated moments together.

If the computer is in the room of your children these can be connected at any time, even at night, at which point they could face situations for which they are unprepared without an adult advise them.

  1. Accompany children when connected.

Whenever we talk about minor, My recommendation is to accompany your children when connected.

It is essential that you share with them time and information. This is the best way to explain what kind of information they will find, what is good and bad and what should be careful.

  1. Communication is key.

As everything, Communication is key. Acostumbrad your children to share the moments that connect with you. It is important that they shall teach to share all their experiences, So those are positive and those who are not so much. Explicadles you should not be afraid, feel ashamed or embarrassed, let them know that their parents are and can tell you everything.

See that this communication is not an interrogation in which you ask and they answer. Let them go they will tell their experiences naturally, otherwise they will close in band and do not count anything.

It is very important that expliquéis them with the type of content that can be found, adult content, etc. See that when you do it naturally.

  1. Parental control tools.

You can always use parental control tools.

Some time ago I spoke of some parental control applications for the Tablet or iPad, but you also have filters to control what pages your children connect from your computer.

  1. Give them clear rules of use.

Children are not born knowing. Expliquéis is important that they use rules clear and simple.

Teach them to identify advertising space and what it means to click on them. It is also essential that they let clear how the issue of online shopping and the cost of applications and games works.

  1. The importance of privacy.

Being behind the computer screen does not mean that our privacy and data safe.

Explain to children that many websites require and store personal data such as name, mail address, Postal Code, etc. And that this data collection can occur when registering at a site, in a group or club of friends.

It is important to always test and approve the privacy of the web site visited by the child. Let him know the reasons why they should not give their real name or contact information in chat rooms, forums, groups, clubs or friends who know the network. Remember that through this data, less could be easily contacted by an unknown.

9. cyberfriends.

As I like to know your children's friends, worry about meeting their cyberfriends. If in addition to that you talk about them you can get to know them much better online.

  1. Knowing their use.

It is essential you to know that your children use the computer and make the sites they visit. It is very important that they are suitable sites for their age. Some parents do not even know their children have a profile on social networks.

At this point it is also interesting to mention the issue of illegal downloads. Do emphasize the obligation to respect the property of others when they connect. You explicadles to make illegal copies of the work of others, whether music, video games or other programs, It is like stealing from a store.

  1. The team.

It may be obvious is essential that you keep the computer software updated.

Ajustad security settings to match a level of comfort and often revisadlo. Antivirus to prevent equipment damage ye shall not wrong.

If your computer so to utilize several family members, it is advisable to think a user for each, but obviously you will know the passwords for your children, it is important that they do not have access to your account, which will generally be the Administrator.

Include your children in the limited group of users. Limited Users can not change system settings or install new hardware or software, including most games, media players and chat programs.

I hope this information will be useful the. If you have any questions do not you hesitate to contact me.

In next post I will continue talking about more issues related to parental control.

"No moral about technology. Technology expands our ways of thinking about things, expands our ways of doing things. "

Herbert Simon

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