Oct 16

6 Speaking to promote activities in class.

photo credit: Merlin Corner Zoe // Jos Watergraafsmeer via photopin (license)

photo credit: Merlin Corner Zoe // Jos Watergraafsmeer via photopin (license)

If you are profe English insurance that one of the main problems that you encounter is to make your students speak English.

We usually teachers "burden" because we do not get our students to express themselves, and when they do often end up doing in their mother tongue. You must keep in mind that it is normal in the world. For them to use a language that is not yours is complicated, and how to do it when not motivated or appeals.

Therefore, in today's post I leave 6 activities to encourage speaking in class and get your students begin to loosen, even a little! 😉

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Sep 16

22 Books to learn English.

photo credit: The Library 7 via photopin (license)

photo credit: The Library 7 via photopin (license)

You Oddly may seem, Some readers will arrive to convert almost friends. With some of you I regularly exchange emails. You tell me your concerns as parents and teachers, You ask me draw your inspiration and resources many of the articles, week after week, I write.

Today's post, It is one of those items. One of my readers told me this week seeking books to teach English in the classroom child.

Books that leave you between this post and the next week (I decided to do two because otherwise they would be very long ...), They are not only useful for working in early childhood education, You can serve almost any stage, it all depends on how Plantées use.

To make it easier to find the book you are looking for, I've organized the thematic, so if you want to work a book about emotions, go directly to that section.

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Sep 16

5 fun ways to learn vocabulary.

photo credit: BRODY STAR via photopin (license)

photo credit: BRODY STAR via photopin (license)

The course has already begun, cole the early days have passed and the kids start to get used to the routines that parents blessed you were throwing so much.

For our part, the teachers are deeply involved in the frantic pace of the first week course. looking resources, preparing our classes, and meeting our new students.

This week I decided to write a post about a topic that I think is fundamental when we refer languages: learning new vocabulary. But not learn anyway, 'Learn in a fun way!!

I leave 5 ways to learn vocabulary effectively and fun and, of course, not only in English, in any language.

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Jul 16

5 activities in English for the first days of class.

photo credit: image_030 via photopin (license)

photo credit: image_030 via photopin (license)

In the past week, one of the blog readers asked what activities could do for the first few days of class. Those days when we have new children, we do not yet know the names, and we need to somehow "grope" How are our new students.

Today I leave 5 activities that you can do, almost any age, from 2nd grade. I hope you find helpful, and when the course begins and realicéis may tell me how you go.

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Jul 16

How to teach English to kids in 2 years old.

Last week I received an email that could not make me more excited. It comes to Ade, a reader and follower of my Youtube channel, that the next course will face a great challenge: teach English to kids in two years in a country with a totally different culture than ours.

In your email, Ade told me that I was not sure how to deal with class, and what resources to use with very young children. Therefore, although today's post is particularly aimed at her, I hope that, all that next year we enfrentéis a similar challenge to help you.

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Jul 16

4 Games to learn English irregular verbs.

4 activities to learn irregular verbs in English

If your child has not had to learn the table of irregular verbs for school, I assure you will have to do so soon. I think it's one of the things I dislike most children, but it is so fundamental, they have no choice but to learn if they want to make proper use of language.

This week I start in iKidz intensive summer courses, as you know, in iKidz always we adapt to the needs of our students. Therefore, during this first half of the activities in which we focus is on learning verbs. One of my students in grades 5 must return in September with the board learned the full, so let's see if we can take a class handle 😉

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Jun 16

6 Refresher books this summer.

The kids just finished cole and dads and you are "desperate" thinking about what you do with them all day. A good way to "entertain", well take the opportunity to review all the concepts worked throughout the year, are reviewing books.

From my point of view, it is good that the kids do something. Be aware that the summer is long and the day has many hours. You better do a little every day to not lose the routine.

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Jun 16

The importance of parental attitudes.

In recent weeks post, I have tried related to the behavior of the kids themes. Now that the holidays are approaching and we spent more time than usual with children, it is essential that we are clear how we deal with disobedience, the How should we punish if we have no choice.

But it is also important not to forget, that your attitude as moms and dads is essential when dealing with children and "deal" with their behavior.

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Jun 16

how to punish.

photo credit: Grrr! via photopin (license)

photo credit: Grrr! via photopin (license)

Last week I left a post with you 10 Key to face disobedience. In this post I talked about the 10 things that you must always do if you want your kids will not "go wild".

When moms and dads ask me about how to change a particular behavior of their kids, I always tell them to use positive reinforcement, but it is true that often is not enough and there is no choice but to resort to punishment.

Punishing is not bad, but you have to know how to punish, and the most important: Punishment alone is not effective. Be aware that the punishment try not to change behavior, but eliminate the behavior. When we punish not usually explain to children what to do, but what they should not do. Therefore, it is essential that when we punish, We explain to children what they have done wrong and how they should do it next time.

On the other hand, punishment in isolation is very effective, but when we use it again and again completely loses its effectiveness. So remember that we can not abuse.

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May 16

10 Keys to facing disobedience.

photo credit: Jan 16 (3) via photopin (license)

photo credit: Jan 16 (3) via photopin (license)

When I talk to dads who come to iKidz, the main problem that everyone encounters at home is the disobedience of their children.

This is usually associated with the performance of homework, to discipline around order, to cleaning, the schedules, manners, etc.

It is clear that no one wants a disobedient child, constantly questioning what his parents ask him to do, but we don't want “baby boy” children either, that they always do everything without question, that they do not question anything and that they are not able to make their own decisions, because tomorrow this attitude towards life will be counterproductive.

Get a child to obey us and at the same time listen to their initiatives, your tastes and opinions is a difficult point to find. So in today's post, I leave you 10 keys to trying to reach this point.

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