May 16

5 activities to work solving problems and calculation.

Mathematical problems are one of the main difficulties with which the kids are when they enter primary.

The complexity of operations adds that many are still improving reading comprehension. So in many cases even understand the wording find it complicated.

In the post this week I leave 5 activities super simple to do to work problem-solving and mathematical calculations from the 6 years old.

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May 16

How to get your child to do homework.

The issue of homework tends to be quite controversial. For a few years now, there are many who defend that children should not bring homework. That they already spend enough time at school, and that we are saturating them with too many tasks. On the other hand, there are those who defend that homework is necessary to reinforce and review what was seen in school, and that there are children who without homework would not advance what they should.

Some time ago I discussed this issue with a post in which he spoke of both points of view. My position on this issue is intermediate. I think it always depends on the student and the educational level in which we find ourselves. But, above all, it is a question of the characteristics of the child.

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May 16

6 Spanish women and mothers who made history

6 Spanish women and mothers who marked history

On the occasion of the celebration of Mother's Day, from Vamos Crecando I want to pay a small tribute to all moms with an article about six women who, in addition to marking a before and after in the history of our country, were mothers.

There are many women around the world who, especially in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, fought for equal opportunities, women's rights, and that they showed that, just like men, they were capable of playing a leading role in areas as diverse as literature, art or science.

They are women who raided the land and fought so that today our role in society is as relevant as that of men.

Today I have wanted to focus on Spanish women and mothers, but obviously I do not forget all those women around the world who fought for gender equality.

I do believe that you can "change the world" and be a mother. nobody said it was easy, but, Isn't it the complicated thing that is worth it? I leave you with these exemplary women!

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Apr 16

All the acronyms you should know if you're English teacher.

All the acronyms you should know if you are English profDo not tell me you've never experienced this situation: you get to talk to the typical companion profession that only uses acronyms to express. "What if the CLIL is the latest in language teaching, but you use CMC is that you're not the last ... " And you will look ojiplático saying: "Clear, Clear, If you say it…" Obviously I'm exaggerating a bit… Most English teachers are familiar with most of these acronyms, or more than from the acronym with the method to which they refer. But begins to have so many, we find it almost impossible to remember all of them and their meaning.

I was missing a little "directory" with the main acronyms refer to methodologies or tools used in language learning, namely English. That's why today I prepared a post with the main ones that I know and I've found researching a little.

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Apr 16

8 fundamental keys about feeding your children.

This week I count with a very special collaboration on the blog. I had wanted to talk about nutrition for a long time and its importance in the development of children, but obviously it's not my field. That is why I asked Mª Carmen Díaz Ruiz to give us some advice on this topic., both as a professional and as a mother.

Carmen is a Certified Naturopath, Diploma Nutritionist and Chiromassage Therapist. He develops his professional activity at the Centro Belleza y Salud situation in Madrid.

I leave her!

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Apr 16

15 fundamental qualities of any entrepreneur.

This Friday I had the opportunity to participate in the Villanueva University Center, at a round table on entrepreneurship in education with professionals of the stature of Teresa Iraburu from Kidsco Infant schools and Eduardo García from Espakeba.

Talking with entrepreneurs like Eduardo and Teresa offers you a unique point of view on the panorama of entrepreneurship in education in our country.

Further, it's an injection of energy to keep fighting, working and see that you are not alone, that the difficulties that I am encountering along the way are common to all of us who intend to change and do something different.

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Sea 16

Letter to my students.

photo credit: Estelle via photopin (license)

photo credit: Estelle via photopin (license)

Today's post is not for you, Prof, ni para ti, father or mother. Today's post is for your children or students. Good, maybe it's also for some dads, but only for some 😉

One of the main characteristics of the methodology that I use in iKidz, is that the students have class only one hour a week. Something fundamental that I try to instill in my students and their parents, is that if they only come an hour a week it is because they have to review a little every day, in this way learning will be easier and more bearable.

What's the score? The result is that indeed some work throughout the week as I have indicated and they evolve a lot, but others ... others simply believe that by sitting for an hour in my classes they are already learning.

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Feb 16

Do you want to educate a creative child? ¡Déjale be!

photo credit: Painting via photopin (license)

photo credit: Painting via photopin (license)

There are many times when I talk to friends, family or parents of my students, of the ingredients that make a child into an adult successful future. They are also many occasions when I've talked about these kinds of issues in the blog, and usually one of the conclusions that I get is always the creativity.

Have not you ever wondered what happened to that school friend who always got outstanding?, What is now devoted?, You have changed the world? Have you done something great? Perhaps you know a case of classmates highlighting then and they do now, but in my case, and in the case of most people I know, It is not like this. Have not you ever wondered why?

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Feb 16

How to be a good communicator inside and outside the classroom.

It is much the talk, and has spoken, on the ingredients to have a good teacher. A few weeks ago I prepared one infographic about the characteristics that make a teacher in an exceptional teacher. On occasion I have also talked about how we can earn our students. But, the truth, It is that I've never gotten into detail in one of the skills that I believe are fundamental in teaching: the communication.

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Feb 16

Learning to solve problems and be resilient.

photo credit: peek a boo via photopin (license)

photo credit: peek a boo via photopin (license)

Resilience is a term that is very fashionable lately. He is talking a lot about the importance of resilience teachers, but from my point of view it is a fundamental skill in any field of life.

For you who are not very familiar with the term, according to the SAR resilience it is: adaptability of a living being against disruptive agent or a state or adverse situation. I.e., that resilience It is nothing more than the ability of people to deal with problems and their ability to solve.

Today I will give you some tricks to make it easier to face and solve problems. I believe that, Whether you're a father profe, these tips will come great because it will help you face life differently and also, you help your children or students to be resilient too.

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